Taking place on Sunday 5th December, the delightful shops and businesses in this pretty moorland town will be traditionally dressed for the season and many of them will open their doors to welcome you from 12pm on the day. The popular Winter Street Market will run from 2pm to 7pm selling local crafts, gifts and food. Roaming entertainers will keep you enthralled wherever you are in town with their pop-up performances, juggling, tricks and endless jokes.
Look out for a few new things this year: alpacas by the Heritage Centre, extra stalls in the Town Hall, more carols to sing along to in Bank Square and sparkling white lights on the Christmas trees that line the streets of Dulverton.
Dulverton Town Council has liaised with SW&T Council to ensure that parking in the town’s car parks will be free of charge on the three Saturdays leading up to Christmas – and for the Dulverton by Starlight Sunday too.
A visit to Dulverton by Starlight will lift your spirits and give some festive cheer to all who come along.
Donations to help keep this community event happening are gratefully received via the Just Giving link on the website. Visit www.dulvertonbystarlight.co.uk or find us on Facebook for more details on the event. Email: dulvertonbystarlight2000@gmail.com