Exmoor Wildlife Safaris

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We offer a wonderful Wildlife Safari touring over Exmoor, exploring hidden corners enjoying all the wonders Exmoor can offer.
Exmoor Wildlife Safaris’ offer the chance to explore the wonderful wildlife and scenic views of Exmoor.

Join Daphne, Exmoor born and bred, for a 3 Hour Safari in a Landrover Defender 110.

Learn about the history and folklore from years gone by, as we travel along the narrow country lanes with the seasonal wildflowers growing freely around us.

Explore some of the ancient off road tracks.

Admire the crystal clear rivers and streams bubbling along on their way to the Ocean.

Take in the stunning views of our beautiful moorlands, whilst looking for the magnificent Wild Red Deer and iconic free living Exmoor Ponies.

Enjoy looking for the moorland birds who live or visit Exmoor. Listen to the Sky Lark’s beautiful song way up in the sky.

Come and enjoy the beauty of Exmoor.


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